The #1 Resource & Support Network for Parents of Twins

The #1 Resource & Support Network for Parents of Twins

So Embarrassing!

So Embarrassing!

Last updated on December 2nd, 2023 at 10:07 pm

It happens to the best of us.

We Asked Our Parents:

“What is your most embarrassing moment with your multiples?”

These Are Their Stories:

Pants on the Ground – Walking through a parking lot with my pants falling down b/c I was holding hands with my kids and I couldn’t let go

– Tracey

Round ’em up! – Breaking down and crying with just a simple task as rounding them up and leaving daycare.

– Michele

Attitude! I was in the doctors office and told my 4 year old daughters to sit down and stop acting goofy when one screams, ” You are ruining my life! You never let me have any fun!”

– Amy

911 What’s Your Emergency? Four fireman in my house because my two year old locked herself in the bedroom. Then the fireman unlocked the door with his fingernail.

– Colleen

Spilt Milk My boobs leaked all over the exam room table at the pediatricians office.

– Mel

Check Please! Both babies throwing up at the same time all over our table at a nice restaurant.

– Adelle

Trend Setter – Shortly after they were born I got home from running errands, and noticed that I had my shirt on inside out. -Wendy I forgot to take my slippers off and put my shoes on when I took one of my twins to a doctor appointment. I didn’t realize this until I was taking him out of the car to go in. though they didn’t say anything I’m sure the nurse and Dr. got a good laugh at me in my fuzzy pink slippers.

– Bronwyn

Get Me Out of Here! I was running errands and my twins have a meltdown halfway through shopping. (at this point my 2 year old was still adjusting to them and would automatically cry when they cried) Everyone in line at the grocery store agreed to let me go first because I had 2 infants and a 2 year old crying at the same time.

– Carolyn

Splish Splash My older son who was in 10th grade at the time was just getting back from a school trip to Ireland so we were in the airport. Lots of parents were already staring at us with our 18 month old twins thinking we were crazy. My husband says “it’s ok, go talk to your friends I got them.” I have my back to them and he takes twins out of stroller and they both promptly fell in the fountain!! Soaking wet in February in 10 degree weather with no spare clothes on us! Very embarrassing! And I missed my son getting off plane. First thing he says when he finally sees us is “Mom, people are talking about babies falling in the fountain… Was that our babies?” Yep it was!!

– Mary

Potty Training While at a furniture store, we had both girls in undies, when one wets herself. I take the child to the bathroom and remove the undies and leave her in the shorts. Come out of the bathroom and catch the other one holding onto the wall ready to poop. I yelled NOOOO grabbed her and ran to the bathroom where she proceeded to do nothing. While I was in the bathroom, husband is with the undie free child who proceeds to poop, have it roll out of her shorts onto the showroom floor. My husband grabbed the child and bare handed the poop as he ran to the bathroom. We bought a lot of furniture that day!

– Jennifer

Smile for the Camera! When the boys were 1 week old, we were getting professional photos taken. They were trying to do those cute naked photos, well they proceed to poop all over each other. Then as we are cleaning them up they start peeing on my wife.

– John

Who’s Who? I got my twins mixed up at their 6 week check-up. The doctor had to completely redo everything.

– Karen

What’s your most embarrassing multiple moment?

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