Last updated on April 26th, 2024 at 11:30 pm
It’s about that time of year, summer time is almost here! And you know what that means…If you need a better way to break the boredom, and to save your sanity this summer, considering camp for your multiples, just may be the perfect escape for everyone.
Nowadays, with so many options readily available, summer camp is the way to go, to keep your kiddos from staying cooped up all summer long. However, if you’re new to this summer scene, first you must do a little exploring of your own. Here are a few tips and tools to help you navigate through the process with ease.

Where to Begin? Consider Your Options
While some summer camps begin enrollment as early as January and February, the best time to apply is during the spring. Start by looking into your options and narrow them down from there. From Sports, Theater, Swimming, Cooking, the Arts, Dance, Science, and even, Foreign Language; there are summer camps for just about anyone. Picking the right camp for your multiples, however, may seem daunting. Instead try asking yourself what your children’s common interests are and try to find a happy medium between the two.
Another aspect you may want to consider is whether your multiples will succeed more through day, private, or overnight camp. Some of the factors you’ll need to consider are the age of your children; figuring out what you can afford; and what will suit your needs best, where both time and travel are involved. If your multiples are still young, perhaps a day camp would work better, as opposed to older children, who may benefit from an overnight or private camp that would provide more time and less travel, to and from on a daily basis.
Making these choices ahead of time, will make the decision process during your search for summer camp, that much easier in the long run.
Where to Look?
Now that you’ve decided what type of camp is best for your multiples, it’s time to dive right into your search. But where’s the best place to look? Depending on the type of camp you are looking into, start by contacting the local businesses, daycares, recreation centers, (etc.), in your area. Once you’ve done this, another valuable resource is the American Camp Association, which provides more than 2,400 camps nationwide that are accredited to meet certain health, safety and quality standards. The site offers information on each camp including information on camp programs, sessions and activities. You can also
narrow down your search options according to zip code, what type of camp you’re
interested in, and the age of your multiples.
Is Financial Aid Available?
There is no way around it. Providing the funds for one child to attend camp can be hard enough…but two, three or four?! The good news is that many summer camps DO provide financial aid. The key is knowing when and what the application process entails. The sooner you begin the application process, the better. Since most financial aid applications are based on family income, the children’s merits, and whether or not they meet the Federal free and reduced cost lunch criteria, funds can be very limited, with some deadlines as early as late February. However, depending on the camp and their financial aid requirements, most deadlines are not until late spring.
The actual application process is not usually lengthy. Consisting of one or two pages
maximum, most applications provide parents the opportunity to offer a brief explanation of their financial needs, and some camps may ask children to write a brief letter or essay, explaining why they wish to attend the camp.
And if financial aid isn’t an option for your family, not to worry! There are still resources available for many non-profit and free summer camps.
How to Make It Work for You
Once you are almost through with the application process, here are a few more tips to remember, that can make summer camp work for you! Share your experiences, test your networking skills and talk with your friends. Find out what worked best for them, when searching for a summer camp. Do your research. Remember to start early and look at all the resources available. Ask yourself what you hope your children will ‘get out’ of summer camp. Do you want it to be a good social experience for them? Or perhaps a positive learning experience or skill? Whatever you choose, remember to include your children in the decision process, because, after all, they will be the ones attending summer camp… an experience that your whole family can benefit from.