Last updated on May 28th, 2024 at 11:36 am

Nomination: “I met Jennifer Burgess though Twiniversity when she was pregnant with her twins a year and a half ago. She was looking for other twin mom’s to connect with so she sent me a friend request on facebook. I remembered how I felt when I was pregnant about wanting to connect with other twin moms so I accepted, and I am so glad I did! As I got to know her I found out she was a fitness coach and a personal trainer. I was currently trying to lose my baby weight so she ended up giving ME support to work towards my fitness goals. I will always be grateful for that! Her zeal for fitness is contagious! I admire her positive spirit in general! She is always upbeat; even in the face of the emotional, heart wrenching trials that she’s gone though since I have met her. I love that I have been able to meet such a great person, even though we are over 800 miles apart. She reached out to me and I feel I have gotten the better end of the bargain since she lends so much positivity, and not to mention a great sense of humor.”
We Asked Jennifer a Few Questions So You Could Get To Know Her Better:
How Do You Balance Your Time?
“I am a very scheduled person, naturally, which now comes in handy with having twins. I’m up at 5:00am for my workout and to get ready before the boys get up. I work full-time at a University while they are in daycare, and I also have a part-time fitness coaching job. We do the nighttime ritual and try to get tucked in by 8:00pm. I’m in bed by 10:00pm sharp… and it starts all over again! My boss has been very accommodating, so my new work schedule involves working longer hours Monday-Thursday so that I can have every-other Friday off work to run errands, plan appointments, etc.”
What Is the Biggest Challenge of Being Mommy to Twins?
“I think the biggest challenge is just knowing that there is only one of me and only one pair of arms. I can’t carry them both anymore, and it’s tough when they are fussy and both want to be held. I sometimes feel like they never get 100% attention because they are always sharing with each other.”
What Is the Best Thing About Being a Mom of Twins?
“The best thing is getting to watch how different they are as they grow up. My guys have two totally different personalities. I always tell people that Jake is my rugby player and Declan is my engineer. It’s fascinating to me that two children can share so many similar biological traits and yet be so completely different.”
What Is the Best Advice You’ve Received?
“The best advice I received was to stick to a very regular feeding/nap schedule. My boys were born 2 months premature and spent 5 weeks in the NICU. They were on a schedule when they came home, and I made sure to stick to it!”
What Tips/Advice Do You Have for Other Moms?
“My advice is: put everything into perspective. Let your kids grow and reach their milestones on their own time, not comparing them to each other or to other children. How many adults do you know who never got potty trained or never learned to walk? None, you say? Well, then, I wouldn’t stress about your kiddos learning those things, either. 🙂
After having the boys, I had gained 40 pounds and lost a lot of muscle mass. Using a combination of Weight Watchers, Shakeology and at-home fitness programs, I was able to lose the weight and even win a fitness contest! ($1,000 prize!) I have to remind people not to get distracted by the “before” and “after” pictures. It’s the space in between those two pictures where the REAL work happened. Now I make it my mission to help others lose weight and get fit. It’s such an emotional, rewarding job, and I’ve met amazing people in the process!”
To find out more about how Jennifer helps people reach their fitness goals visit her on her blog.
We would like to send Jennifer a special gift so she can go to the spa and be pampered!

Our friends at Bebe au Lait are the ones who make it possible for us to provide gifts to our Super Moms. If you aren’t familiar with them, Bebe au Lait, has been supporting Super Moms since 2004! This family-owned, Los Gatos, California based company develops superior quality products that pair beautiful prints with luxurious fabrics to meet the needs of modern, active families of multiples. Bébé au Lait distributes internationally in more than 60 countries and is available at independent and national retailers.
Do you know a Super Mother of Multiples? Nominate her by e-mailing with the subject “Super Mom” and tell us why the moms you’re nominating is super!