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50 Uses for Plastic Easter Eggs

50 Uses for Plastic Easter Eggs

Last updated on July 12th, 2024 at 01:16 pm

Are you wondering what you are going to do with all those plastic Easter eggs? Surprisingly, there are many uses for plastic Easter eggs.

Here Are 50 Suggestions:

  1. Putting prizes in for egg hunts.
  2. Use to hold paint if eggs do not have holes in them.
  3. Store pantyhose. (larger eggs. remember when pantyhose used to come in eggs?)
  4. Keep necklaces from getting tangled by placing one in an egg. Great for travel.
  5. Packing material.
  6. Make an egg duck.
  7. Or how about a plastic egg bunny.
  8. Grab some glue, beads, and ribbon. Decorate eggs and then display in a nice basket.
  9. Try felted Easter eggs.
  10. Make your own play dough and store it in plastic eggs.
  11. Try  Dinosaur Play-dough eggs for a fun project.
  12. Decorate eggs with faces. Glue craft sticks to egg and put on a puppet show.
  13. Stuff with potpourri and use as an air freshener. Either puncture holes in eggs or use eggs that already have small holes.
  14. String eggs together to create garland for a fireplace mantle or table centerpiece.
  15. Saving receipts? Place important receipts for big ticket purchases in eggs for safe storage.
  16. Store special coins. This way you are less likely to accidentally spend that state quarter or wheat penny.
  17. Glue eggs halves around a plain picture frame to create a one-of-a-kind frame that is perfect for holding that egg hunt picture.
  18. Store craft beads. Keep organized by color.
  19. Use it to keep eye shadow brushes clean and easily accessible.
  20. Keep plastic eggs to use in conjunction with gifts. Put tiny trinkets until the eggs for an added surprise for the recipient.
  21. Use sand in plastic eggs when you need to weigh down a gift bag to keep it from tipping over.
  22. Keep small eyeglasses screwdriver and screws since it’s much easier to find a brightly colored plastic egg in a junk drawer than a small screwdriver.
  23. Place fingernail clippers inside because it will be easier to find when you need it.
  24. Use eggs to help younger kids learn to count.
  25. Learning tool to learn colors as well. or combine games (give me the blue egg, or give me two pink eggs)
  26. Fill eggs with different materials like dirt, rocks, etc. Have children try to guess what each egg holds.
  27. Have children race with a plastic egg in a spoon. If they drop the egg, then they are out of the race. Usually done with real eggs but fill plastic eggs with water or dirt to give them a little weight.
  28. Another racing game is to have kids push a plastic egg with their nose to the finish line.
  29. Form a line and have each person pass the egg to the next person without using their hands. See how far it can be passed before it’s dropped.
  30. Play croquet. Take a plastic bat and tap the plastic eggs around the yard, trying to steer eggs through the scoring goals.
  31. Mismatch eggs and then have children race to place the eggs back to one color.
  32. Hide one prize in an egg. Then quiz kids on various subjects. When they get a question right, they get to choose an egg. Game is over when the special egg is found.
  33. Place in a basket for decoration.
  34. Convert your Christmas tree into an Easter tree. Take ribbon and hang plastic eggs on tree.
  35. Use half an egg to scoop sand or take to beach to build sandcastles.
  36. Add plastic eggs to ball pit or make your own by tossing them into an empty, small swimming pool.
  37. Keep loose buttons in them.
  38. Pack some thread and a needle in one for a travel sewing kit.
  39. Keep loose change organized on a dresser or in your car by placing it in eggs.
  40. Fill eggs with sand to create your own weights for use during workouts. Plug any holes in eggs first.
  41. Weight down eggs with dirt or sand and use in flower garden as decoration
  42. Keep small parts to board games(like Monopoly pieces: shoe, horse, etc.) so you don’t lose them.
  43. Place cotton balls in eggs. Takes up little space and keeps them clean.
  44. Keep an egg in your purse to hold loose change.
  45. Use a plastic egg to hold one serving size of your favorite candy. This way you can have a little treat guilt free.
  46. Keep band-aids in eggs when traveling or in your purse.
  47. Place jewelry that you plan to wear with each outfit into separate eggs. It will keep it together and well organized.
  48. Place small media cards inside eggs to protect them as well as to be able to find them fast.
  49. Do you work on computers? Place those small screws inside a plastic egg and never lose one again.
  50. Donate plastic eggs to a church or organization that sponsors a community egg hunt.

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