Last updated on December 2nd, 2023 at 10:32 pm
Thinking about celebrating Earth Day today with your kids? Wondering what you can do to help your family celebrate? Well, Twiniversity has come up with a few ideas to help you honor Mother Nature today (and everyday):
1. Powerdown and Unplug!
Try to conserve a bit today; in fact, teach your kids (and yourself) to try to conserve everyday. Turn off electronics, cellphones, open the shades and let the light shine in. Teach your kids that when the light switch is on, or the computer is pluged in, it’s not magic, you are actually using energy.

You’ll be surprised on how just turning off lights, powering down computers (not in sleep mode), and unplugging charged cell phones when not in use, can cut down on your power bill.
2. Turn off That Faucet!
Did you know that turning off the faucet while brushing your teeth will save 8 gallons of water a day? Some countries don’t even have one gallon of clean water to drink, while many of us are literally letting watching it go down the drain. Turning the faucet off is a great habit to start teaching kids at a young age. Your kids will grow up better for it, and so will our planet.
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3. Get Dirty!
Go outside today and plant a garden, flowers or even a tree. Many families have a tradition where they celebrate today by planting a new tree or bush in their own backyard. You can teach your kids the valuable lesson of how plants create clean air AND get your backyard in shape at the same time.
4. Make a Bird Feeder
Making a bird feeder is a great way to take care of Mother Earth. You can make a simple bird feeder from an empty toilet paper roll (or pinecone), peanut butter and bird seed. Simply cover the cardboard toilet paper roll in peanut butter and then roll in the bird seed. Slip a string through the middle of the roll and hang from a tree branch. Ta-dah, an eco-friendly bird feeder!

5. Reuse, Reduce, Recycle!
Do your kids have a pair of old jeans that don’t fit them? Maybe that winter sweater has had it? Have an old t-shirt you just can’t get rid because it was the one you wore when your met your spouse? Today is a great day to bring out your old clothing and repurpose them and give them a new life. Click here to find 10 no-sew ways to upcycle old clothes.
6. Bottle it yourself!
Today is the day you vow to stop buying disposable water bottles. Go Green and get yourself, your kids and your pet a reusable water bottle! You will save money in the long run, and you will help the earth by using and disposing of less plastic.

7. Play Some Games!
There are many websites that specialize in kids eco friendly games. Check out PBS Kids which is FILLED with Earth Day games for your family.
8. Seuss It Up!
Read or watch The Lorax today. This great story tells the tale of a town who has given up on conservation and how one person can make a difference. Have an official family discussion afterwards about how your family can make changes to your lifestyle to help the planet as a whole.
9. Make Worms not War!
Ever consider creating a compost for your backyard? Did you know that 20%-30% of what takes up space in our landfills is food? Stop contributing to that heap and create a small compost pile in your own backyard. It’s simple to do, will help save the environment and even help with your own budget. Don’t forget that compost make great fertilizer and a great home for worms for you fishermen and women.
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10. Make Some Calls!
Tired of all that junk mail? You know, you don’t have to just take it. Call the companies that are sending it and tell them you would like to be removed from their lists. A few phone calls will save a few pounds of paper each year let alone postage cost, gas that had to be used delivering that mail, etc, etc.