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The #1 Resource & Support Network for Parents of Twins

10 Things Parents Should Do at the Beginning of the School Year

10 Things Parents Should Do at the Beginning of the School Year

beginning of school year

Last updated on January 24th, 2024 at 07:20 pm

Teachers went back to school today in our county, and for the first time in a long time, I’m not there. So on their behalf, I’d like to share with you a little list that’s been bouncing around in my head.

Here are my 10 things parents should do at the beginning of the school year.

1. The School Supply List

Buy ALL the items on the school supply list at the beginning of the school year, and buy name brand. They work better, I promise. Yes, we know it’s expensive; you wouldn’t believe us if we told you how much of our personal money we spend this time of year getting our rooms set up.

2. Don’t Complain

Refrain from complaining about how much said supplies cost at the beginning of the school year. Give them to your child’s teacher with a smile, and a thank you for what they do. Buy some items from their wish list if you can. We’re all in this together, you know? And yes, your teacher might use some supplies “community style” simply because it makes it just a bit easier on her. Be okay with that. Even if it’s not your preference, just let it go and trust that everything will turn out okay, even if you have to buy some more pencils at the end of the year. Believe me, the teacher is doing her share of buying them, too. These are all our children.

3. Come To Meet the Teacher/Parent Night/Whatever

Don’t try to have a conference; you don’t have to stay long. Just introduce yourself, fill out whatever paperwork they need, drop off (all the) supplies, and head home. Teachers are working 10-12 hour days this time of year; slide them a small Starbucks gift card before you go, if you want to win their heart.

elementary school

4. Believe That They Are FOR You and Your Child

No matter what happened last year, this is a new teacher and a new year, and you want them to let your child start fresh, right? Do the same for them. If you’ve had a bad experience, that was before. This is THIS teacher. Give them a chance! So choose to believe they want your child to succeed and thrive. The VAST majority of them do! If there’s something that concerns you these first few weeks, just talk to them about it. Send an email and ask for a conference. Look at them across the table so you can see in their eyes and hear in their voice how very much they value your child, and how very hard they are working to do a job that can be difficult, even on the best days.

5. Be On Time

Bring your child to school on time the first 2 weeks of school! During the beginning of the school year we’re learning routines and procedures and it’s SO helpful for building community if everyone is there.

6. Fill Out the Pesky Forms

Send all those pesky forms in as quickly as possible at the beginning of the school year. They don’t like dealing with them any more than you do, so the sooner they can get them off their desk and turned in, the better!

7. Speak Positively

Only speak positively of your child’s teacher and classmates and school in front of your child. You can’t imagine what a difference that makes in their motivation in the classroom. Even if you’re frustrated with the county’s standardized testing or common core or the car line or all the homework – bite your tongue and leave that for adult conversations. You’re investing in your child’s educational success if you do.

beginning of the school year

8. Encourage That Teacher!

Right from the start, take the time to tell them something you love about their classroom, or how they run things, or something your child brought home. You can just scrawl a note in the take home folder, or send an email. A little bit of encouragement surely goes a LONG way this time of year!

9. Make Drop Off Short and Sweet the First Day of School

Lingering goodbyes make for a hard transition, so keeping it upbeat and exciting is the way to go.

10. Remember That They Are Real People, Too

They have children who were sad when they left this morning, sitters who called in sick, to-do lists miles long, a car in the shop, bills piling up because it’s been a while since they got a paycheck. They have babies who woke in the night, parents who need care, husbands who miss them while they’re gone so much during pre-planning week. They’re just humans, and they sit with the weight of educating dozens of little minds, and they don’t take it lightly for a second. Be patient with them. Give them the benefit of the doubt, every single time.

beginning of the school year

Friends, teachers LOVE what they do. They love the smell of new crayons and writing your child’s name neatly on their desk and planning a wonderful year of growth. If we parents can lock arms with them and make sure they know that we’ve got their back and will support them all year long, the children are the ones who will benefit!

Happy Year, teacher friends. The work you do is noble.

rachel bio

I’m Rachael. I’m married to my favorite human on the planet, mom to 2 two amazing littles, who keep growing no mater what I say. I’m an essential oils user, lover, hoarder, educator. I love words, so I’m a reader, writer, and teacher. I’m chief of sinners, saved by grace. I’m a coastal girl, solar-powered at heart, and I’m wildly in love with my actual life.

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