Last updated on January 24th, 2024 at 05:45 pm
There are lots of memorable “firsts” when you are a new parent. When you are a twin parent many of the firsts are even more wonderful when you get to experience them twice. There are, however, some twin parenting experiences that I would just rather forget!
I want to always remember…the first time I saw TWO beating hearts on the ultrasound. When we heard, “Oh, there are two” we felt unimaginably blessed.
I wouldn’t mind forgetting…the first, and second, and 1,456,382nd time someone joked that I must be about to go in to labor, when I still had months to go!

I want to always remember…the times that I peered down at my two little swaddled newborns who could always find a way to wiggle their way together to have their feet touching in order to get to sleep.
I wouldn’t mind forgetting…that those sweet moments are fewer in number than the full on wrestling matches, tussles, total disregard for each other’s personal space, and super annoying “copy everything your twin says” game.
I want to always remember…listening to the kids on the monitor, when they were little, as they re-capped their day and never failed to make each other laugh.
I wouldn’t mind forgetting…the other bedtime struggles that cropped up when they had the freedom to get up and roam about.
I want to always remember…lazy weekend mornings lounging in bed with two of the best cuddlers in the world, bedtime butterfly kisses, and the “I love you more than infinity” goodnight proclamations.
I wouldn’t mind forgetting…the evil stomach flu that struck both kids…in the middle of the night…with one of them on the top bunk.
I want to always remember…the look of pure joy and pride on each of my children’s faces when they took their first steps!
I wouldn’t mind forgetting…my first solo visit to a park when both children proceeded to run (quickly) in complete opposite directions.

I want to always remember…that newly toothless grin of my little boy. My son losing his baby teeth tugged on my heartstrings more than I ever thought it would.
I wouldn’t mind forgetting…having to explain to his twin sister that the Tooth Fairy really will visit her one day and that it will all be “fair” eventually, whether she believes it or not.
I want to always remember…that newly toothless grin of my little boy. My son losing his baby teeth tugged on my heartstrings more than I ever thought it would.
I wouldn’t mind forgetting…having to explain to his twin sister that the Tooth Fairy really will visit her one day and that it will all be “fair” eventually, whether she believes it or not.
I want to always remember…that magical first birthday party! The babies were happy, they devoured their cake, and it was wonderful to celebrate the milestone with friends and family.
I wouldn’t mind forgetting…the first birthday party my daughter was invited to and my son wasn’t. “Special time” with mom and dad wasn’t really appealing when compared to inflatables, school friends, cake and ice cream.
I want to always remember…our weekend outings to the zoo, to the museum, to the nature park, to the pool, and to countless festivals and pumpkin patches. We truly did have so much fun in the days before soccer and t-ball consumed the weekend (although those are pretty fun too).
I wouldn’t mind forgetting…the feeling of dread and helplessness when my son disappeared on a visit to a farm, or how harshly I reacted out of fear when he was finally found.
I want to always remember…their first Halloween and the adorable costumes that I got to choose.
I wouldn’t mind forgetting…seemingly every Halloween after the first, that brings a month (or more) of indecision, and “strange” costume choices. Even “worse,” they never want to coordinate and I didn’t take advantage of that twin perk when I had the chance!

I want to always remember…our family vacations. Hearing my son look at the white sand and exclaim, “Hot snow,” was hilarious. When my daughter got to meet “Elsa” at Disney World it truly was magical, and we made s’mores, told ghost stories, and caught fish on our first family camping trip. We made some of the best memories ever.+
I wouldn’t mind forgetting…The first time we took the twins on a vacation road trip when they were newly “potty trained.”

The memories, good and bad, are priceless. When I think back on all of the special (and not so great) moments of the last six years I can’t help but recall a quote that really hits home for me – “It won’t always be easy, but it will be worth it.” There is no doubt that is true!

Shellie Fossick is “mom” to 9 year old boy/girl twins. She is also the Development Director for a non-profit organization that provides high-quality early care and education for more than 400 low-income children in Middle Tennessee. She lives in Nashville, TN with her husband and two children.