Last updated on August 12th, 2024 at 04:23 pm

If you’re only using your diaper changing station to hold diapers, wipes, and butt cream, you are missing out! We are going to help you maximize the functionality of your diaper station with 10 items that you may not have thought to keep at that station, but will now find you just can’t live without while trying to wrangle your wiggly twinnies!
If you are using a baby changing table and have limited space for any extras, consider using a hanging diaper caddy (buy on Amazon) to attach to the table so everything is within arm’s reach. You can find little bins (buy on Amazon) that hang over the edge of the changing table for smaller items.
1. Pacifiers
Do you have pacifiers at your baby changing station? If not, toss 4-6 pacifiers in there right now (buy on Amazon). Pacifiers are the ideal tool to help keep your baby calm when they are fussy at the diaper changing station. Sucking activates your baby’s parasympathetic nervous system, increasing sedation and helping your baby relax.
2. Rectal Thermometer
“A rectal thermometer is my favorite piece of baby gear,” said no parent ever. LOL! Yes, rectal thermometers are super gross and weird. But they are a necessity to get an accurate temperature read on your baby. What’s even worse than having to use a rectal thermometer is not being able to find one when your baby is bare butt and coming down with a fever. Store that rectal thermometer in your changing station and always make sure to return it after sterlizing. With twins, we highly recommend having two rectal thermometers at home (buy on Amazon), labeled with each baby’s name.
3. Soft Books
Once your twins are able to grasp things, a small, soft book (buy on Amazon) is a great item to keep at your diaper station. A book will your baby’s hands and mind occupied while you change their diaper. It will help them stay still so it’s easier to change them too.
4. Extra Changing Pad Cover
Keep at least one extra changing pad cover (buy on Amazon) at the diaper changing station in the event of a diaper “mudslide”. I’ve been there and it’s super gross! Keeping a cover handy means you don’t have to leave the changing table when you’re cleaning up.
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5. Flashlight
When your baby starts to develop diaper rash it can be hard to spot if you’re not looking closely or there’s low lighting. For looking at rashes up close, keep a tiny flashlight (buy on Amazon) at the changing station. Make sure to jump on diaper rash quickly before it gets out of hand.
6. oogiebear
The diaper changing station is the perfect place to lay your baby to clean out their noses when they are congested. That way you can get up-close and really see what’s going on. The oogiebear is perfect for these moments to get out sticky and crusty boogers. That flashlight will come in handy for this moment, too!
7. Dog Poop Bags
OK, this one seems insane, but stick with me here. Dog poop bags are great for containing the smell of poopy diapers! Before dropping that poopy diaper in the bin, tie it up in a dog poop bag (buy on Amazon). You’ll thank me later.
8. Baby Lotion
When my twins were babies I always forgot to lotion up their skin. It just wasn’t high on the priority list with, you know, keeping them fed and alive. If I had a small tube of baby lotion (buy on Amazon) at their changing station, out in the open where it was easy to see, I would have been reminded to use it more often. Sometimes you just gotta do things like that to make your life easier!
9. Nail Trimmers
Have you ever noticed that tiny baby nails are super sharp? Those things slice through your baby’s delicate skin so easily and it’s important that you keep them as short as possible. This is another task that is easy to forget before it’s too late. Keep a baby nail file (buy on Amazon) in view at your changing table and you’re much more likely to stay on top of those tiny Edward Scissorhands.

10. Hairbrush
A soft baby hairbrush is perfect at the changing table, especially after the chaos of a bath. You’re exhausted from washing two tiny tots and the last thing on your mind is brushing their hair. But wait! You keep a hairbrush (buy on Amazon) at the changing table, so you’re (t)winning!
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One of my LEAST favorite things about being a parent of twins is dealing with two stuffy noses at the same time. So that’s why I’m so excited to share with you a GREAT product to help you clear out those two tiny noses when your twins are congested.

Meet the oogiebear better booger picker. Safely and effectively remove stubborn sticky mucus and dry boogers from little noses with the oogiebear booger picker, which are great for cleaning little ears too!
- Patented bear head design ensures that the ends will not go too far into the nose
- Loop and scoop ends with a curved design specifically made for removing boogers
- The loop end is perfect for sticky boogers and the scoop end has you covered for those dry crusties
- Can also be used to clean ears!
- Unlike aspirators, the oogiebear is an easy-to-use baby booger removal tool that doesn’t require you to finagle parts together
- Cleaning your oogiebear is simple – just wash it with warm soapy water and let it air dry
- oogiebear nosebalm and oogiebear chestrub are the perfect pairings; they are 100% certified organic products to help clear infant airways and provide long-lasting moisture to irritated skin
- The inventor of oogiebear is a Doctor of Pharmacy and mom of 3, so you know you’re in the best of hands
The oogiebear 2-pack is perfect for twins and it comes in a handy carrying case.