Last updated on May 28th, 2024 at 01:21 pm

Is it Twin Pregnancy Announcement time? Are you ready to announced to everyone the big news that you’re pregnant. Now you have bigger news! You’re pregnant with not only one baby, but multiples! It’s like finding out all over again that you are pregnant! So we asked our community about some creative ways to announce that you’re having twins or more. twin pregnancy

T-Shirt Twin Pregnancy Announcement
Many parents like to let their child/children break the news with a T-shirt announcing that they are going to be a big brother/sister. There are many designs available on at etsy and other t-shirt places that are twin specific. Our favorite is the giraffes from zoey’s atttic. twin pregnancy

Want to make your own shirt or convert a regular big brother/sister shirt? It’s easy and inexpensive. All you need is fabric paint and a brush or stamp. Twin mom Cassandra said “We made our 2.5-year-old a shirt that said ‘big brother’ with 2 hearts on the back. It took everyone a while to notice, and we had to explain the 2 hearts on the back.”

Don’t have kids? Or just want to don your own t-shirt for your expecting twins announcement? Wear a “Mother of Twins” shirt as the expectant mom and watch everyone’s reaction. Or let Dad make the announcement with this “Real Men Make Twins” shirt. twin pregnancy
Latest Twiniversity Articles
A Photo Is Worth a Thousand Words With a Twin Pregnancy Announcement!
This is a great way to announce your news when you can’t tell them in person. Because you really don’t want to tell them over the phone. I did, and I regret it. So here are a few of our favorites! twin pregnancy
You’ve seen the comical announcement of the expectant mother throwing up in the toilet with apparent morning sickness with the announcement of expecting? Well these parents to be took in one step further and in a second shot of the photo, they announce it’s twins with the dad taking his turn being nauseous from the news! Got to love their sense of humor!

Frame your Twin Pregnancy Announcement!
You can get creative in so many ways with this. One of our favorites is easy to do yourself. Just use photo frames with some pretty paper and write on the glass with a dry erase marker as Kristy B. did in this photo alongside her daughters.

Amy S. used a framed chalkboard with her son in 4 photo frames for her twin pregnancy announcement. I LOVE the look on his face in the fourth frame! twin pregnancy

Pre-made Cards for Your Twin Pregnancy Announcment
We also love these pre-made twin and triplet announcements. Here is a great “Buns in the oven” announcement that we found on Etsy. twin pregnancy
Holiday Twin Pregnancy Announcement
What a better time to make the Twin pregnancy announcement than when all the family is together for special occasion like the holidays?
This MoM says: “I found out in October I was expecting twins and waited to tell the family at Thanksgiving since everyone would be together. I teamed up with my sister to make a video collage of family photos that was about 20 minutes long.” twin pregnancy
“At the end of the video it said: ‘Our family is big but it is only going to get bigger… Someone in this room is expecting… Twins!!’ and then it showed my ultrasound picture.”
“Everyone automatically assumed it was my sister who was expecting since she brought the video. When she said no, everyone was looking around, asking every female in the room if it was them. I then stood up and took off my sweater to show my, ‘Yes, I’m pregnant with twins’ shirt. All their reactions were completely unforgettable.”
Perfect Present Twin Pregnancy Announcement
An exciting way to make your Twin pregnancy announcement is watching them unwrap a gift. (This is a perfect way to capture their reaction on video.)
Natasha gave her gift at an ornament exchange her whole family was attending. “We bought an ultrasound picture ornament and my mom was the one to unwrap it. Both our parents knew already that we were pregnant, but no one knew it was twins.” The reactions were priceless!
Melissa says she made her announcement by taking a photo of her pregnant belly with two Christmas bows. Along with the photo she wrote: “Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the way! Oh what fun it is to announce we have twins on the way hey!”
Here Are More Great Twin Pregnancy Announcements From Our Twiniversity Community!

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Get Your Pet Involved in Your Twin Pregnancy Announcement

Before you know it, it will be time to start planning the baby shower! twin pregnancy
For some of our favorite ideas for a twin baby shower check out some of our favorite themes here:
Baby Shower Etiquette + Gifts for Under $50!
Unique Themes for a Twin Baby Shower